Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow can affect anyone from sports people and labourers to desk workers. Pain is localised to the outside elbow and is usually felt with lifting and gripping. Occasional pain can also be experienced when straightening the arm. Symptoms are usually at their worst in the mornings.

  • What Causes Tennis Elbow?
  • Sudden increase in activity
  • Sudden change in activity such as commencement of a new sport or new job
  • Poor posture
  • Previous neck injuries such as whiplash
  • Poor upper limb bio-mechanics can lead to increased forces through the elbow
Proper assessment of all possible causes is imperative if Tennis Elbow is to be treated successfully. Once the cause is identified, a proper treatment plan can be established. Manual and exercise therapy along with the use of braces have been succes…Proper assessment of all possible causes is imperative if Tennis Elbow is to be treated successfully. Once the cause is identified, a proper treatment plan can be established. Manual and exercise therapy along with the use of braces have been succes…

Proper assessment of all possible causes is imperative if Tennis Elbow is to be treated successfully. Once the cause is identified, a proper treatment plan can be established. Manual and exercise therapy along with the use of braces have been successfully used to treat the painful symptoms of tennis elbow.

Australian Institute of Sport Physiotherapists Jill Cook and Craig Purdam have developed effective treatment protocols based on their tendon model. The exercise program is designed to reduce pain and then progressively load the muscle and tendon around the elbow. This will strengthen the attachment and make it more able to take load. This has proven to be a very effective way of treating tennis elbow.

At Horizon we take a holistic approach to Tennis elbow, strengthening the muscle and tendon on the elbow as well as the stabilising muscles around the shoulder and neck.


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