
Laser has long been offered as a treatment option overseas, however is now becoming more widespread in Australia and is popping up in mainstream media with athletes in cricket and AFL using laser as part of their injury rehabilitation.

Conditions Treated with Laser

What is Laser?

Put simply, laser is a device which emits light. Low level laser therapy has a bio-stimulatory effect at a cellular level and it is widely used to assist in tissue healing and rehabilitation, and pain management.

Tendon conditions in particular are showing some good outcomes with laser treatment, such as tennis elbow and Achilles tendon problems, In vitro research studies have shown laser therapy for tendons can increase collagen production and suppress inflammation essentially speeding up the healing process.TrueTrue(```````````(```````````0142875019050000

Over the past twenty years, there has been further research showing laser can improve tissue healing in other areas of the body, including ligaments, tendons and joints. It can be used in acute and chronic stages, and there have been some microscopic studies showing significant increase in cell metabolism and collagen production, essentially speeding up the healing process.

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Laser for nipples?

Historically, laser has been used with post natal women to heal cracked or damaged nipples. A pilot study at King Edward Hospital showed lower reported pain levels and increase length of time to be able to continue breastfeeding. On average, women had pain relief and improvement after two or three sessions.

In Australia, laser   treatment can only be provided by those who have undertaken further specialist    training and qualifications. At Horizon, all of our Physiotherapists have completed the laser   requirements to safely administer laser therapy. Please feel free to discuss with us whether laser may be appropriate for you


Tennis Elbow


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