Game ready

Developed by scientists and doctors using proprietary NASA space suit technology, the Game Ready System simultaneously delivers both adjustable cold therapy and intermittent compression.

It has been found to quickly reduce swelling and pain after shoulder, knee or ankle surgery significantly improving recovery times. This adjustable cold therapy will reduce swelling, minimize pain, and speed and enhance your body's natural healing abilities.

This revolutionary treatment system sets a new standard of care in injury and post-operative recovery. It will get you “Game Ready" faster!



  • Yes you can! We require a $100.00 deposit to hire the machine which includes a complimentary sleeve to attach to the machine. The daily hire fee from there on in is $25.00

  • Yes! Studies have shown that Game Ready reduces post operative swelling by 50% at the 10 day mark post most surgeries.

  • Once you have been shown how to safely use the Game Ready machine that you hire by one of our physiotherapists, you can safely use the machine up to 6 times per day for 30 minutes at a time.