
FuMo Exercise Therapy

Did you know?

In 2010 Horizon physiotherapy were one of the first to develop a Functional Movement assessment that is now commonly used at most clinics and gyms. This has now developed into our popular FuMo sessions where we can get your body back on track.


FuMo the New Pilates

Physiotherapy based Exercise Therapy is a highly effective rehabilitation tool, that utilises body weight and graded resistance exercises. It has been shown to be significantly more effective than pilates alone. FuMo Exercise Therapy has taken the most effective parts of pilates and has developed it further to encompass other movement arts such as – the Franklin Method, Feldenkrais and Chi Gong. The result is a physio based, progressive style of rehab that is specific to your injury or rehab requirements.

Horizon offers three forms of Functional rehabilitation:

  1. FuMo.Clinical – this is best suited for injury management – both acute and chronic. Clients with long standing back and neck issues, knee or shoulder issues. One hour sessions with specific instruction and monitoring.

  2. FuMo.Progressive – clients undertaking FuMo.Clinical often enjoy the program so much they wish to progress on and develop further strength, flexibility and stability. Our FuMo.Progressive is a stepped down fee, and works into more challenging routines.

  3. FuMo.Gym - Horizon has an offsite state of the art gym on the beach at City of Perth Surf Club. We progress our client into graduated loading with traditional resistance training incorporated with our Horizon Functional movement program.

Do you have daily pain that just never goes away?

Research has shown that in the presence of long term pain the body will adopt compensatory movement strategies to cope. A common example of this is with lower back pain where the body will brace, lock or splint the lower back to ‘over protect’ the injured area. In some cases this ‘over correction’ strategy will stay in place, even after the soft tissue injury has healed. The end result is a chronic ‘mal-adaptive’ response to pain, caused by the ‘over corrective tissue’.

Physiotherapists are skilled in the correction of these patterns and Horizon FuMo. is an effective way of re-educating these muscles and movements back to a normal pattern.


  • Yes, we see clients aged from 7 to 90years old. The programs are individualised to their specific needs and goals.

  • Yes, Functional Movement Exercise Therapy is an effective physio lead exercise program. It’s a newer, updated version of clinical pilates with accountable results that are evidence based.

  • Because FuMo is run by Physios - who are experts in injury management, you will have a program that is specific to your injury needs. Safely exercising without pain and in an accountable direction for full recovery.

  • Because FuMo is a Physio rehab session - with full assessment, specific program and re-assessment to ensure program goals are being met, it may be covered by your health insurance provider (depending on your cover)

  • You will initially have a comprehensive Functional Movement Assessment that will determine weaknesses in your strength, flexibility and potential compensatory movement patterns. This assessment is carried out on our rehab machines, so you are exercising straight away, not just doing tests in a room. This allows us to see how you move and that coupled with your injury history allow us to create the best plan for you to meet your goals.