Do sit ups help a tummy bulge?

Not if you have a diastasis - a tummy ‘bulge’ could in fact be a diastasis!

Diastasis rectus abdominis is a separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, which is commonly known as the ‘six pack’ muscle. It occurs when there is excessive stretch to the linea alba (the middle line of connective tissue joining the muscles together), usually from too much intra-abdominal pressure. This condition affects 100% of women in their third trimester of pregnancy, but it can actually occur in anyone, even men!

There is actually some trending on social media currently with misinformed people attempting to get definition of this linea alba, coining the term “ab crack”!

The diastasis, or tummy gap, can be palpated and measured at different points along the abdomen. In some people it can easily be seen as a ‘doming’ or ‘tenting’ shape when you bend forward or move to get up from lying, especially noticeable when doing an abdominal sit-up. Diastasis can affect how well your abdominal muscles work as part of the “core” system, and can even lead to problems with the pelvic floor.

Reduce your Abd Crack!

Horizon physiotherapist Peri Ross has recently completed a specialist “Diastasis Detective” course which utilises a whole body approach of looking “north of the navel and south of the pubis” to treat diastasis.

 A big part of addressing diastasis is whole body alignment and posture. The Horizon Clinical Pilates program integrates these principles on an individual basis, specifically addressing any alignment or pressure issues which can affect tummy separation. You can learn how to move with optimal posturing, which is how your body is designed to move!    

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