Grading your foot type

Ever had foot pain? ….persistent ankle swelling from an old injury? …..or even wear and tear of the joints in your ankles and feet?

Our recent in-service looked at the “FPI” Foot Posture Index.

This is a reputable assessment tool of the foot and ankle that can determine the position and potential mechanics of your feet and ankles.

We all know how important your feet are, and for patients who have experienced foot problems they will entirely relate to how frustrating and even debilitating these problems can be.

At Horizon Physiotherapy we aim to assist your foot problems with effective diagnosis, targeted exercises and support based taping or orthotics. We feel we have furthered our knowledge of how the ankle and the foot joints function.

There are 26 bones in each foot and the ankle joint itself provides specific mobility to transfer weight from your body through the various joints in the foot to ultimately propel you forward.

There are 12 muscles in your lower leg that cross the ankle into the foot, and control movements required to walk, run or jump. Smaller muscles and ligaments within the foot play a vital support role to these movements and further contribute to overall propulsion of your body.

The main aspect of foot mechanics is an “unlocking” mechanism when landing on your heel, followed by a “locking” mechanism (re-formation of the foot as a semi-rigid lever) when pushing off with your toes.

Understanding this mechanism including the muscles function allows us to effectively treat and diagnose patients with a goal of returning to sport, recreational activities and even pain free walking.

If you have any questions about foot pain, ankle movements (mechanics), types of treatment, exercises and/or equipment required (shoes and orthotics) feel free to contact us via the website or at the clinic.


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