Rectus Distastes

Do you have one? What can you do about it? How can physio help?

Some quick facts about pregnancy related abdominal separation:

- 1 in 3 women may experience ongoing separation

- It is completely normal for the linea alba to thin and widen towards the end of pregnancy, 100% of pregnant women greater than 35wks experience this.

- There are NO set exercises or one-size-fits-all approaches to ‘fixing’ the separation

- Rehabilitation depends on YOUR GOALS and individual presentation

- It is not just about the gap

If you think you might have abdominal separation post pregnancy AND more importantly, if it affects your function and/or your self confidence and you are wanting to return to YOUR sport or chosen exercise, physiotherapy may be beneficial for you.

We also offer individualised assessment for our MUMFIT exercise program where you can join in any daily class.


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