Swimmers Shoulder Part 2

Around 30% of swimming athletes will injure their shoulders every year. In part one we talked about managing your workload and the flexibility required to be a swimmer. In this article we will cover 2 more problems that when improved, can help to prevent shoulder pain.

Problem 3: Technique

Unlike walking and running, swimming is not a natural human movement and so requires learning a specific technique. There are many elements to swimming technique that can minimise load on the shoulder such as optimising trunk rotation, not over-reaching into your catch, maintaining high elbow position through the stroke and many others.

Problem 4: Strength and Resilience

Because of the physical demands of swimming the injury rates can be quite high. Increasing the strength, resilience and endurance of the soft tissues around the shoulder, shoulder blade and trunk can help make you more injury-proof.

If you have a niggling swimming related injury or would like to make yourself more injury-proof book in to see one of our friendly and experienced physiotherapists.


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Swimmers Shoulder Part 1